Independent Classes

Independent Classes & Workshops

Some facilitators use the space at 245 independently during terms.

Kristina Russell

MEDIA MAKERS with Kristina – Ages 13+Thursday 9.45am-10.45am

For further details and to book direct email Kristina at

Using photography, audio and video to express ourselves, we will tell stories and explore our communities. The students will work on storytelling projects using different media. Projects include Photo Essay, Audio essay (podcast) and Video essay (short film). Each project will allow Young People to find and share their voice in relation to their experiences and communities.

EXPLORING LITERATURE with Kristina Ages 13+ – Thursday 10.50am-12pm

For further details and to book direct email Kristina at

A deep dive into famous authors and their work. We will be examining what writing elements made their works international successes and discussing how we relate to the characters, plots and themes in these works. Students will participate in open dialogue and try their hand at applying the skills we discover. This class aims at improving reading comprehension, analysis, critical thinking skills and improving public speaking. It will serve those taking GCSEs well and be a great experience for anyone interested in literature and writing.

Students will have some input as to which authors we examine and will be expected to do outside reading and writing. I pride myself on providing engaging and entertaining learning experiences and hope that your student can join us in this learning adventure.

Kru Cory

MUAY THAI with Kru Cory Tuesday & Thursday Ages 7+ 5.00pm-6.00pm

MUAY THAI with Kru Cory Tuesday & Thursday for Adults 7.00pm-8.00pm

For further details of location and to book direct email Kru (MTQ L2 – Master Sken Academy; BA Hons, Kingston University, Surrey) at

Holistic coaching in the form of Muay Thai Boxing, is an ancient martial art, originating from Thailand. It teaches self-defence, mental wellbeing, discipline, concentration and self-mastery. Kru Cory has been professionally trained by Senior Grandmaster Sken, who brought Muay Thai to the UK in 1977. Kru Cory is very keen to share 25 years of knowledge and experience with young people, coaching them to be champions in life.

You will need to print, sign and return these two forms: Code of Conduct for Parents and Carers & Muay Thai Insurance Form to Kru for your young person. They confirm your child is in good health to do this class and you agree to the parent’s/carers code of conduct. Please complete the Muay Thai Insurance Form if you are taking part in the adult class.