Sound bath for the family
245 Hammersmith Road 245 Hammersmith Road, londonPARENTS ARE FREE (concession suggested minimum £8 per YP) This is run by Gemma Felix who has a wealth of practice in her field of 17 years. For parents and young people. Full Moon is a very powerful time to come within ourselves and nurture ourselves as the light beings we are and stop rushing around for everyone else. These sessions are always booked on the week of a full moon. Gemma puts time aside for YP to try out her sound bowls. Besides their traditional use for meditation, Tibetan singing bowls are used for deep relaxation and muscle regeneration, to relieve pain in the joints, muscles and shoulders, to ease pain related to sciatica, the digestive system, headaches and migraine or spine injuries, to improve circulation, release tension. During a sound bath, the body may undergo many shifts including heightened awareness, sharper intuition, and increased energy. During the energy shifts that occur after a sound bath, it's important to get plenty of rest and drink a lot of water.
Imagine 2030 Artwork
245 Hammersmith Road 245 Hammersmith Road, londonImagine 2030 is exactly what the title says. We want our YP to imagine what 2030 will be like. What kind of world do we want to live in? We want our YP to imagine a new future. They’ll be set with the task of dreaming up and designing a city, using their creativity and imagination. How can they make their vision possible? What will we need to make it? With the help of Isabel (We Collective) for Imagine 2030. With the help of Isabel and her project for 2030 YP will work proactively to create their own future.
Community Social Time
Ravenscourt Park Paddenswick Road, LondonCHANGE OF VENUE FOR THE PARK - changed on 18TH May HOLLAND PARK Meet in the adventure playground. The time is set loosely. We can all come and go at whatever time suits the individual. An adult will not stay to supervise YP who do not have an adult with them. This time has been set aside for YP to socialise together. If any parents would like to bring artwork or other activities to do in this time we would love you to share it with us. No need for it to be organised - just show up. Spiritus would love to get to know our parents, come along & hangout. This is not a drop off session. If your YP person is old enough to be on their own they can attend without you.