Summer Camp – Geo Caching Holland Park
245 Hammersmith Road 245 Hammersmith Road, londonPay for the week £60 / for the day £25 Belle is full of imagination and your YP will no doubt enjoy the line up Belle is delivering. Throughout this week young people will be taken through life skills such as: Years 8 plus. Under 8's parent needs to attend. 8th - Geo Caching in Holland Park PACK LUNCH zip card needed Geocaching is an exciting outdoor adventure. It’s a treasure hunt for the digital generation, where you can enjoy the freedom of being outside and discovering new places. All you need is a handheld GPS and a sense of fun - both supplied :) A geocache or ‘cache’ is a small waterproof treasure box hidden outdoors. Geocachers seek out these hidden goodies guided by a GPS enabled device which uses coordinates using a smart phone - please bring this with you. Young people can share. A visit to the design museum if we have time. - Belle has a wealth of knowledge to teach young people this fun way to explore/ they will be working on small groups & researching logistics.