Calendar of Events
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Adults Beg.Ballet & Meditation
Adults Beg.Ballet & Meditation
Tamara's Session If you often find yourself feeling stuck, not bothered, fed up, bored. It is time to come alive again!!! Because you can – you have just got lost like we all do. However much healing/therapy we do the journey never ends – it just gets easier and better. Tamara Bexley has organised to give you a 5 week programme for the following: Ballet for beginners – Increases energy/better posture/Body Confidence/Flexibility Followed directly into Meditation:Calmer mind/Positive outlook/Find your mojo/Reboot your unique self She has over 25 years experience as a holistic practitioner and is the founder of Holistic Birth & The Healing and Teachings of the sacred woman” Tamara is also company director of Art House Studio Ltd. Tamara is extremely intuitive and will really help you get onboard with getting you back in the room and showing up for yourself Happy you = Happy children BRING A YOGA MAT
Corinne will be looking to cover the following over the next 6 weeks: Animation & Anime Drawing - YP will create a short video by discussing these, characters as a mood board. Draw human figures in different ways using people, costumes to create the theme. Using a mixture of mediums. They will create a scene together then move onto drawing and marking. Environmental Artwork- Creating art using recycled material. Clay bowls/pot - Based around the world, looking at traditional prints and patterns. Junk Modeling sculptures - themes may include buildings/animals/portraits. These are subject to change.
History v Present Time
History v Present Time
Martin's Session Martin is an enthusiastic and energetic person by nature and is passionate about what we do at Spiritus. He has mentored 6th formers at The London Oratory School located in Fulham delivering workshops in business & finance and has a great depth of general knowledge that he loves to share. Martin has extensive experience being an entrepreneur & is one of those people who can memorise everything about anything! These conversations can go around the world at any moment and we never know where they can end up. Who knew if you started a conversation on Henry VIII it could end talking about Victorian architecture, The Georgian window tax and rebuilding London after WW2 . . Week 1 - WW1 Week 2 - Great fire of London Week 3 - The middle ages Week 4 - Persian History Week 5 - American History Week 6 - WW II Subject to change - If there are sporting events or interesting things happening they maybe incorporated into the talks. These conversations expand naturally as they happen on the day. This session enables YP to hear about history with relevance to our word today. Martin is one of those people who knows everything about anything (nearly). This session allows YP to voice their thoughts and opinions and to hear how our world has evolved to where we are now.
Amateur Musical Theatre Group
Amateur Musical Theatre Group
Stuart & Matthew are working actors and have had many years experience in the theatre world: acting, directing plays, dancing and working with YP. They will bring life to any YP who takes part in their group. Their energy is truly infectious – you have been warned! YP will have an input what musical they want to do. The plan is for a small show for parents to watch at the end of each 6 weeks. Then a Christmas show will be worked on from programme 5 to show on a local theatre stage on December 12th 2022. YP can take part in anything they feel drawn to trying from dancing, acting and singing. If they play an instrument they will be encouraged to bring it in to use in the shows.
3 events,
Topic Field Trip
Topic Field Trip
Jodi is wrapping up her topic on Volcanoes from programme 2 by organising a field trip to the Natural History Museum. Young people will bring a pack lunch to eat in Hyde Park Followed by a guided nature walk if time.
Maths Foundation
Maths Foundation
Jodi's session We teach using the classical learning method. The classical learning method teaches students how to learn and how to think. What makes classical education so effective? It is largely because of its approach to how and when students are taught. Regardless of their learning style, young people learn in three phases or stages (grammar, logic or dialectic, and rhetoric), known as the trivium. Young people will be told when they are ready to study for Advanced Maths.
Maths Advance
Maths Advance
Jodi's session We teach using the classical learning method. The classical learning method teaches students how to learn and how to think. What makes classical education so effective? It is largely because of its approach to how and when students are taught. Regardless of their learning style, young people learn in three phases or stages (grammar, logic or dialectic, and rhetoric), known as the trivium. Young people are working on IGCSE Math in this session.
4 events,
Belle has a very creative programme 3 in mind!! This topic session as all about learning how and why our world works as it does, being curious and exploring for all ages. Break times - a 30 minute will be slotted in organically. Traffic Light System = Helps YP measure their understanding and gives Belle immediate visual feedback. Week 1 – creative writing, writing a script for the animation project with Corinne. Creative lunch – making a scene on a plate! Salad items – lettuce, tomato, radish, carrot sticks. Bread and GF bread. Avocado, cheese. Sharing script ideas in the group. Evaluation of session using a traffic light system. Week 2 National Gallery Trafalgar square. Walk to St James Park for group picnic lunch and to let off steam. Back to Spiritus for 3pm.Evaluation using traffic light technique . Week 3 Finding resources for recycling art with Corinne. Ernies Beach on South Bank searching for recyclables/ clay pipes. Learning the story of the pipes and why there are so many! Looking round the South Bank for litter, noting in tally form the different rubbish we see around the area. (Litter pick?) Back to Spiritus for 3PM – evaluation using cookie jar method. Week 4 Learning about archaeology, video on how a dig happens. Researching how in eras throughout history the different materials, fashions in clay bowl patterns where in history different materials were used to make bowls….what era are they from? 3PM evaluation using traffic light Creative lunch (dependant on era to be discussed with Corinne). Week 5 Visit to Saatchi gallery learning about sculptors using museum resources. Lunch and break in Hyde Park - Princess Diana playground Week 6 Round up and term evaluation, what did we enjoy. What was not so good? Creative lunch. Vlog making (can’t be filmed can have a go at filming so everyone is involved). Whilst vlog is being done other people scrap booking with any work etc done (I will have had photos printed, can use some of their art, diary entries etc. Everyone will need a small notebook and pen. Take notes of artists they enjoy etc and a sketch book and pencil for the gallery visits. Also – on a Thursday (TBA) a visit to Alienarium 5 at Hyde Park and paddling in memorial fountain! Bring spare clothes!!!! Cilla & Steve will be coming in weekly or fortnightly to work with our YP and will help them with their Word, Excel and web design skills so that they can showcase what they have done and learned during the Topic in a project folder or as a web page.
English KS3/4
English KS3/4
Belle's session We teach using the classical learning method English Advance – 6 week Programme. Week 1 – Introduction to poet of the term – Will Ashford (found/blackout poetry) Introducing and understanding blackout poetry, researching its history. Introducing book of the term – Of Mice and Men. Spelling quiz Week 2 – Poem of the week (discussion) Setting up a Spiritus newsletter. Idea gathering. Formal/informal writing Week 3 – Poem of the week (discussion) Studying different styles of writing in news stories and blogs. Writing an article for newsletter. Learning how to set it out Week 4 – Poem of the week (discussion) Formal/informal letter writing Writing a formal/informal e-Mail or text Week 5 – Poem of the week (discussion) Recap on weeks 1-4 Writing a review Week 6 – Poem of the week Discussion about book of the term (all should have read by this point).
Math Advance session
Math Advance session
Jodis Session. We teach using the classical learning method. The classical learning method teaches students how to learn and how to think. What makes classical education so effective? It is largely because of its approach to how and when students are taught. Regardless of their learning style, young people learn in three phases or stages (grammar, logic or dialectic, and rhetoric), known as the trivium. Young people are working on IGCSE Math in this session.
3 events,
Sound bath for the family
Sound bath for the family
PARENTS ARE FREE (concession suggested minimum £8 per YP) This is run by Gemma Felix who has a wealth of practice in her field of 17 years. For parents and young people. Full Moon is a very powerful time to come within ourselves and nurture ourselves as the light beings we are and stop rushing around for everyone else. These sessions are always booked on the week of a full moon. Gemma puts time aside for YP to try out her sound bowls. Besides their traditional use for meditation, Tibetan singing bowls are used for deep relaxation and muscle regeneration, to relieve pain in the joints, muscles and shoulders, to ease pain related to sciatica, the digestive system, headaches and migraine or spine injuries, to improve circulation, release tension. During a sound bath, the body may undergo many shifts including heightened awareness, sharper intuition, and increased energy. During the energy shifts that occur after a sound bath, it's important to get plenty of rest and drink a lot of water.
Imagine 2030 Artwork
Imagine 2030 Artwork
Imagine 2030 is exactly what the title says. We want our YP to imagine what 2030 will be like. What kind of world do we want to live in? We want our YP to imagine a new future. They’ll be set with the task of dreaming up and designing a city, using their creativity and imagination. How can they make their vision possible? What will we need to make it? With the help of Isabel (We Collective) for Imagine 2030. With the help of Isabel and her project for 2030 YP will work proactively to create their own future.
Community Social Time
Community Social Time
CHANGE OF VENUE FOR THE PARK - changed on 18TH May HOLLAND PARK Meet in the adventure playground. The time is set loosely. We can all come and go at whatever time suits the individual. An adult will not stay to supervise YP who do not have an adult with them. This time has been set aside for YP to socialise together. If any parents would like to bring artwork or other activities to do in this time we would love you to share it with us. No need for it to be organised - just show up. Spiritus would love to get to know our parents, come along & hangout. This is not a drop off session. If your YP person is old enough to be on their own they can attend without you.
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4 events,
Adult Beg Ballet / Meditation
Adult Beg Ballet / Meditation
If you often find yourself feeling stuck, not bothered, fed up, bored. It is time to come alive again!!! Because you can – you have just got lost like we all do. However much healing/therapy we do the journey never ends – it just gets easier and better. Tamara Bexley has organised to give you a 5 week programme for the following: Ballet for beginners – Increases energy/better posture/Body Confidence/Flexibility Followed directly into Meditation:Calmer mind/Positive outlook/Find your mojo/Reboot your unique self She has over 25 years experience as a holistic practitioner and is the founder of Holistic Birth & The Healing and Teachings of the sacred woman” Tamara is also company director of Art House Studio Ltd. Tamara is extremely intuitive and will really help you get onboard with getting you back in the room and showing up for yourself Happy you = Happy children BRING A YOGA MAT
Corinne will be looking to cover the following over the next 6 weeks: Animation & Anime Drawing - YP will create a short video by discussing these, characters as a mood board. Draw human figures in different ways using people, costumes to create the theme. Using a mixture of mediums. They will create a scene together then move onto drawing and marking. Environmental Artwork- Creating art using recycled material. Clay bowls/pot - Based around the world, looking at traditional prints and patterns. Junk Modeling sculptures - themes may include buildings/animals/portraits. These are subject to change
History V Present Time
History V Present Time
Martins Session Martin's Session Martin is an enthusiastic and energetic person by nature and is passionate about what we do at Spiritus. He has mentored 6th formers at The London Oratory School located in Fulham delivering workshops in business & finance and has a great depth of general knowledge that he loves to share. Martin has extensive experience being an entrepreneur & is one of those people who can memorise everything about anything! These conversations can go around the world at any moment and we never know where they can end up. Who knew if you started a conversation on Henry VIII it could end talking about Victorian architecture, The Georgian window tax and rebuilding London after WW2 . . Week 1 - WW1 Week 2 - Great fire of London Week 3 - The middle ages Week 4 - Persian History Week 5 - American History Week 6 - WW II Subject to change - If there are sporting events or interesting things happening they maybe incorporated into the talks. These conversations expand naturally as they happen on the day. This session enables YP to hear about history with relevance to our word today. Martin is one of those people who knows everything about anything (nearly). This session allows YP to voice their thoughts and opinions and to hear how our world has evolved to where we are now. Week 1 – WW1 Week 2 – Great fire of London Week 3 – The middle ages Week 4 – Persian History Week 5 – American History Week 6 – WW II Subject to change – If there are sporting events or interesting things happening they maybe incorporated into the talks. These conversations expand naturally as they happen on the day. This session enables YP to hear about history with relevance to our word today. Martin is one of those people who knows everything about anything (nearly). This session allows YP to voice their thoughts and opinions and to hear how our world has evolved to where we are now.
Amateur Musical Theatre Group
Amateur Musical Theatre Group
Stuart & Matthew are working actors and have had many years experience in the theatre world: acting, directing plays, dancing and working with YP. They will bring life to any YP who takes part in their group. Their energy is truly infectious – you have been warned! YP will have an input what musical they want to do. The plan is for a small show for parents to watch at the end of each 6 weeks. Then a Christmas show will be worked on from programme 5 to show on a local theatre stage on December 12th 2022. YP can take part in anything they feel drawn to trying from dancing, acting and singing. If they play an instrument they will be encouraged to bring it in to use in the shows.
4 events,
Meditation is essential for any person to get clarity and peace in their lives. In this session we will have time to talk about where we are in our lives. How we are feeling. Connect with our breathe. Use Angel/Unicorn cards. YP will be encouraged to use their Unicorn cards on each other which they learnt in previous programmes. We will talk through chakras and invite healers in to do workshops when we can. This session is open for parents to attend.
TIMES: topic 1130-1230 break 1230-115 topic 115-215 THIS SESSION IS RECOMMENDED FOR 12 PLUS - if your YP has the ability to engage they are welcome to attend. Jodi will be rolling out the following on Programme 3: Week 2: Human body/ health and nutrition/ raw meal planning Week 3: Animal nutrition and health/ adaptations and their natural environment Week 4: Extreme weather around the world and survival skills Week 5: Out in nature/ growing your own food/ plants as medicine Week 6: foraging field trip Each class will run with Maths, Science and English taught with chosen topic in mind. This will also include a 45 minute discussion period that will either touch on philosophy, ethics and economics on related topics. Additionally, time will also be allotted for children to explore and research on their own.
Math KS2
Math KS2
We teach using the classical learning method. The classical learning method teaches students how to learn and how to think. What makes classical education so effective? It is largely because of its approach to how and when students are taught. Regardless of their learning style, young people learn in three phases or stages (grammar, logic or dialectic, and rhetoric), known as the trivium. Young people will be told when they are ready to study for Advanced Math.
Math KS3/4
Math KS3/4
We teach using the classical learning method. The classical learning method teaches students how to learn and how to think. What makes classical education so effective? It is largely because of its approach to how and when students are taught. Regardless of their learning style, young people learn in three phases or stages (grammar, logic or dialectic, and rhetoric), known as the trivium. Young people are working on IGCSE Math in this session.
4 events,
Belle has a very creative programme 3 in mind!! This topic session as all about learning how and why our world works as it does, being curious and exploring for all ages. Break times - a 30 minute will be slotted in organically. Traffic Light System = Helps YP measure their understanding and gives Belle immediate visual feedback. Week 1 – creative writing, writing a script for the animation project with Corinne. Creative lunch – making a scene on a plate! Salad items – lettuce, tomato, radish, carrot sticks. Bread and GF bread. Avocado, cheese. Sharing script ideas in the group. Evaluation of session using a traffic light system. Week 2 Jodi will be covering Belle today. Week 3 Finding resources for recycling art with Corinne. Ernies Beach on South Bank searching for recyclables/ clay pipes. Learning the story of the pipes and why there are so many! Looking round the South Bank for litter, noting in tally form the different rubbish we see around the area. (Litter pick?) Back to Spiritus for 3PM – evaluation using cookie jar method. Week 4 Learning about archaeology, video on how a dig happens. Researching how in eras throughout history the different materials, fashions in clay bowl patterns where in history different materials were used to make bowls….what era are they from? 3PM evaluation using traffic light . Creative lunch (dependant on era to be discussed with Corinne). Week 5 Visit to Saatchi gallery learning about sculptors using museum resources. Lunch and break in Hyde Park - Princess Diana playground Week 6 Round up and term evaluation, what did we enjoy. What was not so good? Creative lunch. Vlog making (can’t be filmed can have a go at filming so everyone is involved). Whilst vlog is being done other people scrap booking with any work etc done (I will have had photos printed, can use some of their art, diary entries etc. Everyone will need a small notebook and pen. Take notes of artists they enjoy etc and a sketch book and pencil for the gallery visits. Also – on a Thursday (TBA) a visit to Alienarium 5 at Hyde Park and paddling in memorial fountain! Bring spare clothes!!!! Cilla & Steve will be coming in weekly or fortnightly to work with our YP and will help them with their Word, Excel and web design skills so that they can showcase what they have done and learned during the Topic in a project folder or as a web page.
English KS3/4
English KS3/4
Belle's session English Advance – 6 week Programme. Week 1 – Introduction to poet of the term – Will Ashford (found/blackout poetry) Introducing and understanding blackout poetry, researching its history. Introducing book of the term – Of Mice and Men. Spelling quiz Week 2 – Poem of the week (discussion) Setting up a Spiritus newsletter. Idea gathering. Formal/informal writing Week 3 – Poem of the week (discussion) Studying different styles of writing in news stories and blogs. Writing an article for newsletter. Learning how to set it out Week 4 – Poem of the week (discussion) Formal/informal letter writing Writing a formal/informal e-Mail or text Week 5 – Poem of the week (discussion) Recap on weeks 1-4 Writing a review Week 6 – Poem of the week Discussion about book of the term (all should have read by this point).
Math KS3/4
Math KS3/4
Jodis Session. We teach using the classical learning method. The classical learning method teaches students how to learn and how to think. What makes classical education so effective? It is largely because of its approach to how and when students are taught. Regardless of their learning style, young people learn in three phases or stages (grammar, logic or dialectic, and rhetoric), known as the trivium. Young people are working on IGCSE Math in this session.
1 event,
Western Riverside Field Trip
Western Riverside Field Trip
Western Riverside Centre - PACK LUNCH (no concession) Smugglers Way site handles the rubbish and recycling from four London Boroughs, during your visit your class will see how the waste is sorted and dealt with for recycling or disposal. You will see: 1000 Tonnes of General Waste being tipped into shipping containers and loaded by giant box cranes onto our barges by the riverside, ready to be taken to the Energy from Waste plant at the end of the day. 350 Tonnes of Recycling going through our sorting machines, being separated by its material type, and then baled and stacked ready to be sent on. Your class will see the sorting machines from our Education Room. They will also see the sorted bales of materials as we walk around the site. We will have a discussion about the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) in our Education Room. Discussing the importance of wasting less, where the materials we use come from, and the effects waste can have on the environment. There is also a short video which explains how the sorting machines work, and which also shows the Energy from Waste plant where the General Waste is being sent to. Finally there will be a chance for your class to explore the Education Room, with its “Dig In” displays, views of the sorting machines, our plastic lid crushing machine, and more. There are toilets just by our education room for your class to use before heading back to school. The entire tour about 1 hour 15 min’s. You are welcome to stay on for half an hour for lunch in the Education Room after the tour.
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4 events,
Adults Beg.Ballet & Meditation
Adults Beg.Ballet & Meditation
If you often find yourself feeling stuck, not bothered, fed up, bored. It is time to come alive again!!! Because you can – you have just got lost like we all do. However much healing/therapy we do the journey never ends – it just gets easier and better. Tamara Bexley has organised to give you a 5 week programme for the following: Ballet for beginners – Increases energy/better posture/Body Confidence/Flexibility Followed directly into Meditation:Calmer mind/Positive outlook/Find your mojo/Reboot your unique self She has over 25 years experience as a holistic practitioner and is the founder of Holistic Birth & The Healing and Teachings of the sacred woman” Tamara is also company director of Art House Studio Ltd. Tamara is extremely intuitive and will really help you get onboard with getting you back in the room and showing up for yourself Happy you = Happy children BRING A YOGA MAT
Corinne will be looking to cover the following over the next 6 weeks: Animation & Anime Drawing – YP will create a short video by discussing these, characters as a mood board. Draw human figures in different ways using people, costumes to create the theme. Using a mixture of mediums. They will create a scene together then move onto drawing and marking. Environmental Artwork- Creating art using recycled material. Clay bowls/pot – Based around the world, looking at traditional prints and patterns. Junk Modeling sculptures – themes may include buildings/animals/portraits. These are subject to change
History V Present Time
History V Present Time
Martins Session Martin's Session Martin is an enthusiastic and energetic person by nature and is passionate about what we do at Spiritus. He has mentored 6th formers at The London Oratory School located in Fulham delivering workshops in business & finance and has a great depth of general knowledge that he loves to share. Martin has extensive experience being an entrepreneur & is one of those people who can memorise everything about anything! These conversations can go around the world at any moment and we never know where they can end up. Who knew if you started a conversation on Henry VIII it could end talking about Victorian architecture, The Georgian window tax and rebuilding London after WW2 . . Week 1 - WW1 Week 2 - Great fire of London Week 3 - The middle ages Week 4 - Persian History Week 5 - American History Week 6 - WW II Subject to change - If there are sporting events or interesting things happening they maybe incorporated into the talks. These conversations expand naturally as they happen on the day. This session enables YP to hear about history with relevance to our word today. Martin is one of those people who knows everything about anything (nearly). This session allows YP to voice their thoughts and opinions and to hear how our world has evolved to where we are now. Week 1 – WW1 Week 2 – Great fire of London Week 3 – The middle ages Week 4 – Persian History Week 5 – American History Week 6 – WW II Subject to change – If there are sporting events or interesting things happening they maybe incorporated into the talks. These conversations expand naturally as they happen on the day. This session enables YP to hear about history with relevance to our word today. Martin is one of those people who knows everything about anything (nearly). This session allows YP to voice their thoughts and opinions and to hear how our world has evolved to where we are now.
Amateur Musical Theatre Group
Amateur Musical Theatre Group
Stuart & Matthew are working actors and have had many years experience in the theatre world: acting, directing plays, dancing and working with YP. They will bring life to any YP who takes part in their group. Their energy is truly infectious – you have been warned! YP will have an input what musical they want to do. The plan is for a small show for parents to watch at the end of each 6 weeks. Then a Christmas show will be worked on from programme 5 to show on a local theatre stage on December 12th 2022. YP can take part in anything they feel drawn to trying from dancing, acting and singing. If they play an instrument they will be encouraged to bring it in to use in the shows.
4 events,
Meditation is essential for any person to get clarity and peace in their lives. In this session we will have time to talk about where we are in our lives. How we are feeling. Connect with our breathe. Use Angel/Unicorn cards. YP will be encouraged to use their Unicorn cards on each other which they learnt in previous programmes. We will talk through chakras and invite healers in to do workshops when we can. This session is open for parents to attend.
TIMES: topic 1130-1230 break 1230-115 topic 115-215 THIS SESSION IS RECOMMENDED FOR 12 PLUS - if your YP has the ability to engage they are welcome to attend. Jodi will be rolling out the following on Programme 3: Week 2: Human body/ health and nutrition/ raw meal planning Week 3: Animal nutrition and health/ adaptations and their natural environment Week 4: Extreme weather around the world and survival skills Week 5: Out in nature/ growing your own food/ plants as medicine Week 6: foraging field trip Each class will run with Maths, Science and English taught with chosen topic in mind. This will also include a 45 minute discussion period that will either touch on philosophy, ethics and economics on related topics. Additionally, time will also be allotted for children to explore and research on their own.
Math (KS2 learning ability – not age)
Math (KS2 learning ability – not age)
Jodis Session. We teach using the classical learning method. The classical learning method teaches students how to learn and how to think. What makes classical education so effective? It is largely because of its approach to how and when students are taught. Regardless of their learning style, young people learn in three phases or stages (grammar, logic or dialectic, and rhetoric), known as the trivium. Young people are working on IGCSE Math in this session.
3 events,
Topic – Trip to Ernies Beach South Bank
Topic – Trip to Ernies Beach South Bank
Belle has a very creative programme 3 in mind!! This topic session as all about learning how and why our world works as it does, being curious and exploring for all ages. Break times - a 30 minute will be slotted in organically. Traffic Light System = Helps YP measure their understanding and gives Belle immediate visual feedback. Week 1 – creative writing, writing a script for the animation project with Corinne. Creative lunch – making a scene on a plate! Salad items – lettuce, tomato, radish, carrot sticks. Bread and GF bread. Avocado, cheese. Sharing script ideas in the group. Evaluation of session using a traffic light system. Week 2 National Gallery Trafalgar square. Walk to St James Park for group picnic lunch and to let off steam. Back to Spiritus for 3pm.Evaluation using traffic light technique . Week 3 Finding resources for recycling art with Corinne. Ernies Beach on South Bank searching for recyclables/ clay pipes. Learning the story of the pipes and why there are so many! Looking round the South Bank for litter, noting in tally form the different rubbish we see around the area. (Litter pick?) Back to Spiritus for 3PM – evaluation using cookie jar method. Week 4 Learning about archaeology, video on how a dig happens. Researching how in eras throughout history the different materials, fashions in clay bowl patterns where in history different materials were used to make bowls….what era are they from? 3PM evaluation using traffic light . Creative lunch (dependant on era to be discussed with Corinne). Week 5 Visit to Saatchi gallery learning about sculptors using museum resources. Lunch and break in Hyde Park - Princess Diana playground Week 6 Round up and term evaluation, what did we enjoy. What was not so good? Creative lunch. Vlog making (can’t be filmed can have a go at filming so everyone is involved). Whilst vlog is being done other people scrap booking with any work etc done (I will have had photos printed, can use some of their art, diary entries etc. Everyone will need a small notebook and pen. Take notes of artists they enjoy etc and a sketch book and pencil for the gallery visits. Also – on a Thursday (TBA) a visit to Alienarium 5 at Hyde Park and paddling in memorial fountain! Bring spare clothes!!!! Cilla & Steve will be coming in weekly or fortnightly to work with our YP and will help them with their Word, Excel and web design skills so that they can showcase what they have done and learned during the Topic in a project folder or as a web page.
English (1-2-1 session today)
English (1-2-1 session today)
Belle's session English Advance – 6 week Programme. Week 1 – Introduction to poet of the term – Will Ashford (found/blackout poetry) Introducing and understanding blackout poetry, researching its history. Introducing book of the term – Of Mice and Men. Spelling quiz Week 2 – Poem of the week (discussion) Setting up a Spiritus newsletter. Idea gathering. Formal/informal writing Week 3 – Poem of the week (discussion) Studying different styles of writing in news stories and blogs. Writing an article for newsletter. Learning how to set it out Week 4 – Poem of the week (discussion) Formal/informal letter writing Writing a formal/informal e-Mail or text Week 5 – Poem of the week (discussion) Recap on weeks 1-4 Writing a review Week 6 – Poem of the week Discussion about book of the term (all should have read by this point).
Math (KS3 learning ability – not age)
Math (KS3 learning ability – not age)
Jodis Session. We teach using the classical learning method. The classical learning method teaches students how to learn and how to think. What makes classical education so effective? It is largely because of its approach to how and when students are taught. Regardless of their learning style, young people learn in three phases or stages (grammar, logic or dialectic, and rhetoric), known as the trivium. Young people are working on IGCSE Math in this session.